An app authoring platform by EDC 3.3.5

App Build Version Number
New Features
If the app is connected to a network on the welcome screen, a popup will tell you if there is an update available.
A link on the popup will take you to the downloads page in your browser.
You can tap "Remind me later" to defer the reminder popup by a month.
Bug Fixes
Various branching bugs have been fixed.
Outdated branches are now filtered out.
Release Date
Build Status
Development Build
General Updates
The progress bar on activities with branching is now based on the total number of slides.
Outdated and unnecessary plugins have been removed.
Build Description
  • For training and production use.
  • Please set aside 100 MB of space for each language pack you plan to download.
  • Make sure your device is connected to wi fi or cellular.
  • Please set aside ten or more minutes for content downloads
Package Groups